Sunday 23 December 2012

Life is a roller-coaster, you've just got to ride it

I find that I get a lot of comfort from the lyrics of songs. Some songs aren't so helpful: 'Who let the dogs out?' may be an important question, but it doesn't really give much emotional consolation. But most of my favourite songs are ones where the lyrics are so beautiful, or for that matter ugly, that they actually say something about being human and feeling. The one part of culture where society seems happy to let people actually feel and experience life is in song lyrics. As far as I can see it is one of the few places where we stop being so damn 'English' and can actually be honest. (To those who read this blog in other countries I hope you can appreciate what I mean by the 'Englishness' of all of this, and in typical English fashion I apologise!)

Today I find myself thinking about the lyrics of a song. It's not written by the best song-writer out there. To be frank any song where the word 'you' becomes 'you-hoo' doesn't match up to some of my favourite songs!! But there is an important point. And it is a point that one of my friends has made repeatedly to me - and she is very right about!

Life is a roller-coaster. It has ups and downs. For me at the moment the idea of dips or downs particularly resonates. Things will happen. And you can't get out mid-way and announce to the rest of the carriage that actually you don't much fancy doing this any more. You are strapped in and you are on that ride no matter what. But what I'm finding is that the way that you ride those dips is up to you.

You can shut your eyes and try and pretend they are not happening. But that is deceiving yourself. Those dips are happening, and you will feel them nonetheless. And the friend sat next to you will know damn well that they are happening! And if you turn round afterwards and claim they didn't they won't be too impressed with you!!

Or you can keep your eyes open and scream blue murder!! You can actually be aware of what is happening and see what is going on for what it is. For me opening my eyes like that is the scary bit. Actually being honest that there is a dip happening and I am riding it out. The screaming my head off is also a bit alarming. I feel like I'm making a scene. I worry the person next to me will think I'm nuts. I'm worried I'll deafen them! (I do have quite a pair of lungs on me!!) But what I am learning is that it is natural to actually scream (alright - in the real world to get upset and cry and hurt) and that all I have to do is grab onto the hand of the person next to me and hold on tight.

And maybe this is where Ronan's lyrics really come into their own. He says that you need to stop fighting. Arguably that is the most important thing that I am learning right now. I can't fight myself. (I have done before and look where that got me!) All I can do is be me and ride the ups and the downs, and try as much as I can to open my eyes and enjoy the ride. After all, the views from the top are absolutely stunning.

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