Tuesday 30 June 2015

The other side of the fence

Three months ago one of my closest friends killed herself. She had been struggling with depression and anxiety, in a similar way to me, but she found she just couldn’t fight any more. She was the person I spoke to every day to check in on how we both were. I miss her very much and am still coming to terms with losing her. 

Since she died I have had many conversations with people about mental health. There have been people who had no idea how unwell she was, people who feel guilty, and people who want to know what they should have done to help.

I have learnt over three months that I can’t give anyone all the answers. Trust me, I’ve tried and it is impossible! That said I know a few things that can sometimes help.

If you’re reading this then you care about mental health. Maybe you know me and I’ve told you these things before. Maybe you’re a complete stranger, in which case “hello!” and I’m glad you’re reading this.

I want to try something. To prove that one person can do something, and to inspire anyone who is reading this. Tomorrow (1 July 2015) try one of these things. Just one. And see what happens:

-       Send a text just saying “Hi. How are you?” to someone you care about and who you think might be having a tough time. Don’t send it out of obligation. Send it because you thought of that person, and have chosen to take those 10 seconds to put that thought into action. They will appreciate that you thought of them.

-       Offer to make someone a cup of tea or coffee. If you’re at work and someone is stressed or looking down, and you are making tea yourself, then just offer. Even if they don’t want a drink they’ll appreciate the thought.

-       Listen to someone. If you think someone is struggling then take 15 minutes out of your week to talk to them. Have a coffee, have a drink, have a cigarette, give them a call. The magic is that you don’t have to say anything; just listen so they have a sounding board and can hear themselves and feel understood. You will be doing more than you could possibly imagine.

-       Offer to make someone dinner and watch crap TV with them. Or to go to the park and just sit and enjoy the sunshine. Sometimes people don’t want to talk, they just need a bit of company. We all need people in our lives.

This morning I got to a point where I thought “I just don’t care anymore. I can’t keep fighting. I can’t keep being the voice telling people what to do.” But the problem is that I do care – I care very much. I care about my friend deeply. I care that there are other people struggling. And I care that there are people who want to help but don’t know how.

So please, try one of the ideas above. And please share on facebook, tweet this, e-mail it, spread the word. If it means that tomorrow 10 lonely people receive a text and know that someone cares then that will be a wonderful thing.